Engine quality assurance
One objective for today’s engine development is the reduction of weight and emissions. However, at the same time, durability and power have to increase. To meet these requirements, the theoretically best construction is calculated in various simulations.
However, between simulation and the finished end product there are still significant discrepancies what leads to the necessity of further tests at the engine test bench.
Very often, one part of the production process, the production of the motor case, is not carefully regarded. Many plants were built when motor cases were still thick-walled and when process fluctuations were not fully considered. Due to the new objectives which are still not achieved (end value of weight reduction) the cast production has to meet new requirements. The aim is to produce cases without hairline cracks, internal tensions or blowholes since such disruptive factors would not stand the thermal stress and distortions during power generation. The question is, furthermore, if the simulative engine case can be casted at all.
Considering “Industrie 4.0”, divis aims at connecting simulation, motor case production and engine test benches by data integration. Such a connection would reveal dependencies and sensitivities, and make the process transparent and intelligible.