Handbook of Natural Computing
Professor Thomas Bäck is the co-editor of a complete overview on Natural Computing now published by Springer.
Natural Computing is a broad and disparate field of research marked by a dynamic mutual interaction between computer science and the natural sciences. The Handbook of Natural Computing is a collection of essays by 105 leading scientists from 21 countries that claims to give a comprehensive overview of the exciting theories and the current research in this area.
The book presents the most important fields of research and application in natural computing and—as nobody can be expected to have a complete overview of this highly dynamic branch of computer science and of its major research results— offers an excellent compendium for experts. The balanced presentation of both the classical research and new approaches provide an ideal introduction to the multifaceted field of Natural Computing.
Handbook of Natural Computing
Rozenberg, Grzegorz; Bäck, Thomas; Kok, Joost N. (Eds.)
4 volumes, 2052 pages
Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer 2012
ISBN 978-3-540-92909-3