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All news
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Industrial Impact Award for PHD within a Project with BMW

2. December 2020|

At the “International Conference on Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing” which took place on November 23-25—due to the current circumstances as an online event—the contribution “A Classification-Based Solution For Recommending Parameters of Production Processes Without Quality Measures“ was honored with the Industrial Impact Award. The article by Zhengtian Ai, Ingo [...]

“Parameter Cross Interaction of Fully Automated Adhesive Application Processes for Automotive Applications”

9. February 2017|

Presentation at the EURADH & ADHESION 2016, in cooperation with BMW Thomas Bäck was involved in a research project that dealt with cold setting multi-component adhesives used for crash relevant components in the automotive industry. The aim was to determine the interdependencies of the process parameters in a fully automated [...]

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