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All news
at a glance

Presentation of the results of the research project CHEMAX

13. July 2016|

Thomas Bäck will introduce research results at the GECCO (Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference) in Denver, USA. Divis participated at the research project CHEMAX that was aimed at introducing a derivative-free memetic algorithm for the optimization of chemical process synthesis. Together with their project partners from research and business divis [...]

divis presents research results at the UKCI

2. November 2015|

Divis presents research results for CHEMAX project. On this year’s UKCI (UK Workshop on Computational Intelligence), which took place at the University of Exeter from 7th-9th September, divis and their project partners presented their contribution to the CHEMAX project. The aim of this part of the project was to find [...]

Presentation about CHEMAX research project at Optimize2015

23. March 2015|

Prof. Bäck will present results of the CHEMAX project at the aspentech Global Conference in Boston, MA, May 4-6, 2015. The presentation is entitled “Optimization of the Structure and the Operational Parameters of Chemical Processes by a Memetic Algorithm Coupled to AspenPlus Simulations“. The research project that runs in cooperation [...]

CHEMAX – Maximization of energy efficiency in chemical processes

6. February 2014|

Optimization of Chemical Processes – CHEMAX Project: Global optimization approach increases the energy efficiency in the chemical industry. The project CHEMAX, sponsored by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, started in January 2014 with divis intelligent solutions GmbH, SUPREN GmbH and ZEDO (Zentrum für Beratungssysteme in der Technik, Dortmund [...]

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